Don’t call me princess: Lily’s darker side:

Don’t make the common mistake of thinking I am a delicate flower. With a name like Lily, and a the facial composition of a Disney princess, people are often surprised to learn that I have a bit of a dark side, but honestly… who doesn’t? If such a person does exist, I am certain that we wouldn’t hang out much.

My name is Lily, and my friends call me Lily. What did you expect? With only four letters, we don’t have a lot to work with in the nickname department. I am told that I have beautiful lines and jumps, but nevermind that… lets get into the good stuff, like where we would go if I figured out how to “Accio” a private jet, Malfoy style. As long as it is warm, covered in sand and free from Spongebob, the plane can drop me anywhere. Er, wait, I will need some Chick-Fil-A nuggets while I roast myself in the sun. ( I know, I know… their stand on gay rights is abhorrent, but this is MY fantasy, so lets all pretend our minds and stomachs are open, ready to be filled with rainbows and cruelty free, gender fluid nuggets of yum… and bring me a chocolate malt while your’re at it Dobby.

I have been skating for years, and if I wasn’t a competitive figure skater, I’d most likely be a dancer. This is probably because I like to do my own thing and rarely have time for other people’s agendas. Well, that’s pretty much it. Are we done now? The Great English Baking show is about to start, and I hear that tonight they are doing a spot on how to make Chex Mix. I’m psyched. All the fun without all the fuss. As they say on the other side of the pond, Cheerio!

She is no shrinking Violet. Silver Team’s Violet Beckman is ready to take on the world:

A Violet is a flower known for being shy. Serious people, like me, are often mistaken for being shy. I am quiet on the ice because that is my “zone.” Quiet, sure… shy, never. Figure skating is a tough sport, that’s why I chose it. It challenges me like nothing else, and every skill can always be made better. Then, when you DO master a skill, there is another, even harder one, waiting for you. I also like to rip my edges and jump high.

When we are chosen to be skater of the week, we have to answer a ton of questions about our likes and dislikes outside of skating. But I can’t really answer big life questions without putting a “spin” on them that has to do with my love of skating. My second true love? Dogs, all dogs… but French Bulldogs are my favorite. They are small and strong, and command an audience when they go out and about.

Today, we celebrated George’s birthday, super hero style. While I couldn’t dress up as Harley Quinn, my favorite character, I did have a blast as “Flash.” I know, it comes as a shock to a ton of people that I would be into a dark character like Harley, but I like that she has an edgy, dramatic side that comes alive in the spotlight. Most recently, my coaches have been surprised to see more of my own dramatic and creative side come to life during our improv dance and on ice artistry classes. Well, that is all for now, until next time… V


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Shannon’s Rules for Success